Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Learning from Classics

"As she said, she was 'fond of luxury', and her chief trouble was poverty." - Little Women

I think most of us would be able to relate. If not all of us. Luxurious items are often too beautiful to dislike. Noone was ever handed an Hermés and said it was too plain. I can't imagine anyone turning down a Bentley either. And all the time our only issue would be inadequate resources. Who wouldn't enjoy Louboutin stores if they had enough to spend on their desires?

It is that very quote that drives me to do my best to make sure that I won't be an old woman buried in credit card debt with no health care or a roof above my head. In this country those two are probably the biggest things that you need to worry about. Shopping using your credit card can sometimes carry us away in a place where a store is Disneyland and sales ladies are your best friends.

I know this because I experienced it first hand. Coming from work. Feeling rich. Eating out. And passing that store where you've been eyeing a white sleeveless blazer. And then a friendly sales lady smiles at you wearing a white shirt with the letters in capitals and bold say SALE.

Just like that you've burned through your month's hard earned pay. In a few minutes you've reduced your month's work into 5 paperbags. Or fewer.

Having expensive taste can drill quite a hole in our pockets. But take to mind Imelda Marcos when you shop. Its not about the price tag. I mean Imelda Marcos shops divisoria products and she still looks like she's wearing a $2500 dress.

When budgeting, also take to mind, to reward yourself every now and then. You don't have to deprive yourself. Set goals. And reward yourself when you reach them. That way you don't feel too kawawa (pathetic.)

The road out of poverty doesn't mean starvation and deprivation. Its all about finding that balance between savings and expenses. And to do that you have to be responsible enough to look at those credit card statements and check if your loans are paid on time. Be smart and manage those finances.


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