Monday, October 19, 2015

Work, study, life balance

Do you ever get that feeling where you are alone on a weekend and half the time you're trying to get more sleep half the time you're still thinking about work. And all of the time your head goes back to the checklist of requirements that never seem to end.

My finals week was moved from the last to this week. And frankly I thought I would make the deadline last week. But when your suppliers decide to not tell you there are no stocks left to accomodate you, and when the other backs out even with the additional week you still kind of panic Additional pressure if your boss is your professor's friend and they both expect you to raise the standards to three levels up.

I have not seen my friends. I have not been to classes. All I have been doing is working. And like everyone says when your life is seemingly a mess and about to go up in flames that's when you get promoted. And I'm barely hanging on. My life is about to be toast. Or roast even.

So for this post. There are no tips. Just remember to know your priorities. Make sure to give time for what is important. At the end of it all you have to be able to live with what you chose from the beginning.

Because it does not just happen. Your life doesn't become a mess over night. It is a series of choices you made that makes your life a mess. It is premeditated and thought upon over and over. Do something about it now while you can. My life is so hard to manage now but I'm trying.


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