Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How to get a raise

First things first, make sure you are employed. And then make sure you are a good if not a great employee. That means don't come in later than your boss, don't come in wearing rags of a pyjamas (not even kidding my co-worker showed up with wet uncombed hair, unironed ratty shirt and butt ugly old shorts,) don't slack off. And go above and beyond what is expected of you. Sure they don't expect you to pick up the things your partners left at the event, and it's been there for a week. But you will because you're stellar.

Second, work hard. Hard work pays off. Do your work according to schedule, lead the team, call the shots. 

Third, if your boss doesn't notice (which she does) bring it up. Let her know the extra responsibility you took on. The results you are producing. The extra hours you devote to work.

Fourth, ask for it. If it's not offered. Ask. Knock and the door will be opened. If you're producing results and they don't notice, make them look your direction.

Fifth, actively look for a company who will appreciate your effort and contribution. Let your employer know. And resign.

Okay so not a lot of people know that I've had thoughts of resigning. And I would have two weeks earlier if it wasn't for my boss who noticed and promoted me. Of course because i know my worth I've taken the time to think about it before signing a contract and an increase of pay and responsibilities.

So those are my five tips. 


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