Thursday, October 22, 2015

Why it pays to begin your day early

As a young girl living in the country side and working in the bustling Metropolis (imagine London the far drive to the countryside,) there are several reasons why it pays to start each day early.

I'm going to share how my morning routine looks like with you first. Just so you know how early I start my day and when I actually start working.

I don't know about you guys but for me, I need a quiet alone time to start my day. This usually happens at 1 or 2 am. I meditate on the day that passed and the day that's beginning. This is normally just deep breathing and thinking. Dark, quiet, background music playing softly. Now the good thing about this is nobody is awake yet. So you can really enjoy that quiet. I reach out to my friends abroad and respond to personal emails and messages. See, to wake up early one must sleep early and get enough rest. So any emails or messages that come in at night I respond to in the morning.

After that, I get up. I stretch. I get a light snack. I do all the hygienic stuff like shower and brush my teeth. When I'm done I prepare for the commute to work. Now when you begin your day early you can take the public commute. Chances are there is no traffic congestion yet and there is little to no chance that you will be late. I do this at 6am.

The commute without the heavy traffic is about 45 minutes on public transport, and about 30 minutes if you drive. I spend that time 15 minutes to read and 30 minutes to sleep. When I wake up I'm at my stop.

This is the first reason why it pays to start your day early:
Beginning early, clears away chances of stress.

Now if you're like me who is paid on a project basis and not an hour basis, you get to have a free schedule which means you can start and end any time you choose.

Which brings us to the second reason:
Arriving to work early lets you get ahead. You start early, you finish early.

That's very true for me. I normally finish my work early so I can leave early. And if you're studying this gives you plenty of time to get to school. This happens about 1pm.

And that's third reason:
You can spend half the day doing something you're passionate about.

In my case its fashion school. It can be something else to somebody else. You can use the extra time to spend with your family. I don't know. Whatever you feel like will be valuable to you. Take your partner out. Host a dinner. Pick up your children.  Even if you factor in the traffic at 1pm? Its not as bad as traffic at 4-8pm. You'll get to where you're going in under an hour depending on how far away it is.

To do this, there is one rule. To strike a balance. You can't keep going to midnight parties and wake up at 1am. You'll be exhausted and when you're tired you're not conditioned to work, which is stressful. So if you still party at night, this is not for you. I would suggest you get enough rest to prepare for the next day. Again, balance.

Rest is equally important to work. You can start early or late. I chose to start early and gave you my reasons.


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