Friday, March 4, 2016

Local Business Struggle

Today, I was faced with the reality that I've been choosing to ignore for years. I've been hearing about it but having never experienced it in my life I ignored it and gave zero care towards the issue.

The task was simple, obtain a certificate for a client to continue business with them. I read about the process online, and then called to verify. It seemed easy.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

We Must Create

I'm hoping that after I lose my job completely (in about 2 months) I can find some quiet time to figure out what I'll do for the rest of my life.

I love my bosses they are the best set of people I have met. And I hope to be somewhat like them in the future. Honestly, this has been one of the best experience I've had in my life. I've only studied family corporations in college and the text only provides very little information. All through out my stay in the company I kept thinking, I've always liked family corporations and when I'm older and more mature I'd like a family corporation of my own. 

It is with that thought that I've decided and realized I'm stuck. I can not go higher than my bosses. This is where I am and where I will be forever if I continue on. That is why I've made my choice to move. 

With the same thought, I've found out that I would want to be an entrepreneur first before a head of a family corporation. Of course I'll need a family before I get a family corporation. Maybe in three years?

To be an entrepreneur one must create. We must create a product. We must create a job. We must create opportunities for others. In the end we must create.

Right now I'm not sure what to create yet. But hopefully after employment I find it. What to create, and how to create it. Soon.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

65 Days and Saving up

Hi reader!

Its so glad to know that you're still there. Thank you for holding on and keeping the faith while I was being lazy enjoying the sun and how us filipinos call it, "wait for the fruit to fall in our mouths."

So we're counting days to my unemployment. I've been timing this and I guess there really is no good time to break bad news. I wasted several months doing that and finally braved up to the challenge.

People ask me, "what are your plans now?" And "do you have other offers waiting?" Honestly I'm in a space where I have zero. I can't even say I'm actively looking for a job. Because really I'm not even poking the ads with a ten feet pole.

But I have 65 days left. And 5 more paychecks. So lets put some order in my life and go back to saving what I make.

Tip #1: pay your bills on time.

Now pay attention. Every word in that tip is important. Its important that you pay for your (not anybody else's) bills (car, insurance, credit card, phone, gas, electricity, and all the other bills you have) on time. I can not stress enough the last part--- On Time. This saves you on interest and finance charges. And all the other hidden fees and charges added on when you don't pay on time.

Tip #2: read the fine print.

I recently, maybe a couple days ago, got my credit card bill (due next month) and I couldn't help notice that there was a fifth page added to my already long statement. What does it say? Its a revision on how they compute for the final bill. As if banks didn't make enough money.  The point is? Read the bills. Go through each point (and I know how crazy small the font is like they don't want you to read it) and make sure you understand them. This is like getting insurance. You have to know you're covered.

Tip #3: set up a buffer

What do I mean by that? Build an emergency fund. You have to survive for about 3-6 months without a job and not damage your retirement fund or your savings. It doesn't have to be too large, like you go shopping every day when you were employed status. Maybe enough to feed you. Enough to buy gas or a tap card for the commute. And maybe an occasional trip to the mall carrying a little paperbag on the way home.

We all know right now I'm limiting my spending. I don't eat out as often as I used to. I don't buy my sisters free stuff any more. I don't go on a lot of trips (comparing to me last year at this point in my life.) I'm making sure the bills are all zeroed out by the time I go unemployed. I don't need the burden of debt.

I'm being the ant on summer before the rainy day. I'm svaing up. Because I know I won't stop spending. And I don't want to be a free loader. I'm not going to ask my parents for allowance after unemployment.

Hang in there. There's 65 more days. We can do it!


Monday, February 22, 2016

The last 67 days

67 is an odd number. But in between those I'm getting 5 more paychecks, I'm getting 3 of my bills paid in full, I'm getting 1 assessment, 14 days of leave, and 0 clue with what to do with my life.

You know how I think I'm a pretty organized person? If you didn't I'm telling you now. I think so. But lately, I just feel like my head is a big clutter box.

The next and last 67 days of my employment is pretty scary. Mostly because I don't know what I'll do with my life from here on. Am I going to enter adulthood as a bum? How am I going to support myself? I'm jumping off a plane hoping I can build a parachute out of the falling debris. That's pretty scary if you ask me. I also got that from entrepreneur class. I'm not sure if it's a class, a seminar, an article or what but I'm pretty sure that concept came from there.

Who has been in this place? Can you email me your advice? I really need it. I'll appreciate if you do.

Much love and thanks,

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2 Month Hiatus Break

Hello (any) reader (left in this blog!)

I'm not sure how many readers are waiting for updates. Or if any more readers are left. To the one person left (hypothetically one person is left and reading this now) I'd like to answer common queries after a hiatus this long...

Let's begin with a couple of q&a!

1. Where have you been?
I've been going through a lot lately. So I needed to escape to a better place with a nicer view and fresher air. (Where would that be?) I went to see my grandmum's sisters, they're old and starting to get diseases like arthritis. I'm glad I went to see them. I also went to the beach using a friend's exclusive beach club pass... I soon became really disappointed the beach club costed a lot, and the service was bad, the food came almost cold and took too long. Plus there are claims of robbery and theft. Security was terrible. I can tell you this because I went and left and no security person checked me. I could have brought a gun (which I didn't) and started terrorizing people. That my folks is why security people check bags, have dogs sniff around, and roam the area. But again no security person did that.

2. What have you been doing?
I've been living the good life and burning some moolah. LOL What dent it caused my savings, A LOT. I mean I don't earn a lot. And the past few months I've been compulsive shopping and compulsive vacationing, I still earn money but I've spent more than i make. Not a very good combo in the equation.

3. Any plans for the future?
I'm counting down the days to unemployment. How that will help with my current financial situation (what situation you ask? If I was in the US I'll file for bankruptcy)  I have no idea. But for now, lets focus on sanity and well being. Money doesn't always solve everything. Unless you're using it to pay for therapy because of all the damage earning it is causing you. Honestly I don't want to get to that point where I'm so messed up I'll need a thrice a week session.

So I've recovered a little and now I'm in a much better state. I can go back to posting weekly (even more than once.) I will talk to you guys and gals (hoping I am talking to at least one person) on my next fashion or finance post!


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Christmas and Finances

Hi everyone!

Its that time of the year again where we are forced into consumerism. Unless you're one of the few people who have eco-friendly and sustainable holiday ideas.

I don't know if that's entirely possible. It's going to be difficult. Especially if you have children and you know you want to give them at least one of their material desires (because children remember two days in the calendar, that's Christmas and their birthday.)

I know shell out a lot during this time of the year. Good thing I don't have children. And we've decided as a family that we'll prioritize saving for our future. (Its never too early to think of retirement.)

We got to exchange presents beginning of the month and on Christmas eve we'll make a nice dinner from family recipe book and call it a night. Now that doesn't exclude me from social gatherings where I'm supposed to bring a gift or a token to the hostess. It also doesn't exclude me from my friends gatherings.

So what to do during this time to keep a budget?

1. Make a list. List down people. List down what you're giving them. Be realistic. Let's not put everybody's names and pair it with an iPhone 6s. Choose the people that matter and set a budget. How much can we spend? That's entirely up to you. I know one person who gave everybody he knows a dollar gifts. He gave about 700 people. I know another person who gives out 100 dollar gifts. She gives this top ten of her closest friends. Then she gives out cheaper ones to her friends. Acquaintances are not part of her list.

2. Compare prices. You'll be surprised at how much you can save during this time. You get more savings if you use a coupon. So leaf through magazines, papers, and check online. They advertise their prices. Usually marked with words SALE and BIG DISCOUNT. You can do this not just for gifts but also for Christmas dinner or if you're throwing a party. Shop for those ingredients. Avoid the rush. We do this as late as two weeks in advance. You'll know when you have Christmas in the Philippines. People here take Christmas very seriously.

3. When all else fails, if budgets can't be stretched. Be creative. Start a family tradition. Bank on the experience that you're giving your family. Children understand, they are beautiful little people who know life struggles. (And if they don't that's even more wonderful.) Give them a family experience, make a nice breakfast and spend a little more time with them. Give them lasting memories.

I remember my mentors before telling me an experience about Target. She forgot what she was buying but the cashier she remembers. The cashier gave her an extraordinary customer experience and it stuck. Same goes with Christmas, children probably won't remember what they received but they will remember the smell of chocolate pudding or fried bacon. They will remember the attempts to be funny that ended up to be a tickle monster just because they wouldn't laugh. They will remember how dinner was prepared because they helped make it. Its this little things that make up life. The little puzzle pieces that helps build the bigger picture. These are what matters.

Happy Christmas everyone! God bless you.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey everyone!

I know I've neglected this blog for a couple of days maybe even weeks. But since its thanksgiving I'm putting a pause on reminding you to plan and be responsible.

Just breathe. Deep relacing breaths. Release everything negative. What are you thankful for? I'm thankful for several things...

1. I'm thankful for the chance to travel more than once a year.
2. I'm thankful for friends and family that I can laugh, cry, shout at, rant, vent out, smile, fight with.
3. I'm thankful for the new people I've met. And also for the people that are no longer a part of my life.
4. I'm thankful for jobs that pay the bills. For promotions and for freelance projects.

I just need a boyfriend and I'm all set. What are you thankful for?
