Tuesday, February 23, 2016

65 Days and Saving up

Hi reader!

Its so glad to know that you're still there. Thank you for holding on and keeping the faith while I was being lazy enjoying the sun and how us filipinos call it, "wait for the fruit to fall in our mouths."

So we're counting days to my unemployment. I've been timing this and I guess there really is no good time to break bad news. I wasted several months doing that and finally braved up to the challenge.

People ask me, "what are your plans now?" And "do you have other offers waiting?" Honestly I'm in a space where I have zero. I can't even say I'm actively looking for a job. Because really I'm not even poking the ads with a ten feet pole.

But I have 65 days left. And 5 more paychecks. So lets put some order in my life and go back to saving what I make.

Tip #1: pay your bills on time.

Now pay attention. Every word in that tip is important. Its important that you pay for your (not anybody else's) bills (car, insurance, credit card, phone, gas, electricity, and all the other bills you have) on time. I can not stress enough the last part--- On Time. This saves you on interest and finance charges. And all the other hidden fees and charges added on when you don't pay on time.

Tip #2: read the fine print.

I recently, maybe a couple days ago, got my credit card bill (due next month) and I couldn't help notice that there was a fifth page added to my already long statement. What does it say? Its a revision on how they compute for the final bill. As if banks didn't make enough money.  The point is? Read the bills. Go through each point (and I know how crazy small the font is like they don't want you to read it) and make sure you understand them. This is like getting insurance. You have to know you're covered.

Tip #3: set up a buffer

What do I mean by that? Build an emergency fund. You have to survive for about 3-6 months without a job and not damage your retirement fund or your savings. It doesn't have to be too large, like you go shopping every day when you were employed status. Maybe enough to feed you. Enough to buy gas or a tap card for the commute. And maybe an occasional trip to the mall carrying a little paperbag on the way home.

We all know right now I'm limiting my spending. I don't eat out as often as I used to. I don't buy my sisters free stuff any more. I don't go on a lot of trips (comparing to me last year at this point in my life.) I'm making sure the bills are all zeroed out by the time I go unemployed. I don't need the burden of debt.

I'm being the ant on summer before the rainy day. I'm svaing up. Because I know I won't stop spending. And I don't want to be a free loader. I'm not going to ask my parents for allowance after unemployment.

Hang in there. There's 65 more days. We can do it!


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