Sunday, November 1, 2015

With Great Money Come Great Responsibility

In the few months of my employment I have negotiated my salary thrice that resulted to an increase every time. Of course, I also negotiate rates from suppliers and efficiency of banks. I talk money, saving and earning more.

Starting out in my current company I was the lowest paid. Which is understandable considering my tenure. After about half a year I've climbed the steps.

Now you must also understand how flexible and free my schedule and work load was. I was not doing much. And every time I negotiated the work increased. (The second negotiation happened after the increase of work though.)

Why am I telling you this? The point is if you work or think too little for the company, you get paid as little. If you work more or think more, you get an increase.

Consider fast food chain employees. Hard labor, fixed hours, very little thinking involved - minimum wage. But if you graduate college and put to use your degree - professional fee. If you think as hard as you work you can start your own practice. If you can lead people all the more earnings.

Tomorrow I'm negotiating my contract. Which I'm sure would involve taking on more responsibilities and more people to handle. But hey as long as I can manage my time properly I'm all for it.

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