Wednesday, August 26, 2015



I'm Paula. I'm 23 years old. Barely successful in my career. Often bored. Wishing to travel but rarely get the chance or the budget together to get to it. I work in the fashion industry selling premium bags as their admin and finance head. I also double as the hr. And sometimes even the inventory officer.

In this world people are dressed up in labels, where you eat, who you are wearing, where you spent your weekend, what you did on holidays. Everything is labeled and judged based on your ability to keep up with the high life that everyone you work with has. Well in this case their parents.

I'm under paid. And i work few hours. I'm taking a course (that I think I paid too much for) to network and to better my chances in life.

This will be a chronicle of my struggles in fashion and food, and finances. I'll try to post as often as possible but I'm trying to develop my discipline. And with that I'll post at least one note about finance every Tuesdays 8AM CST. Cheers and have a good one!


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